Saturday, May 26, 2012

It's Meant To Be

I get a phone call one day, "We have a referral for you. We have a referral."   Which means you've been matched with a child. A year and half!  Matched with a child!  This is unbelievable!  This is GREAT!  I come home, I tell Heidi!  Matched with a child!  This is awesome!  And that woman, comes down  stairs, less than 24 hours later the next morning, and goes

"by the way, i'm pregnant".

So we had some decisions to make.  And I'm kinda a believer in allowing the universe to flow in the way that it's meant to.  And I just thought, you know, it wouldn't happen like this way if it wasn't meant to.     She's been trying to get pregnant for 5 months, I've been trying to adopt for a year and half, and within 24 hours we have two kids?!  And I just sort of thought - it's meant to be this way.

And then 10 months later my son is born and the exact same week that he was born, my daughter got her visa, and her exit letter and was ready to come home."

Pregnant AND Matched With a Child WITHIN 24HOURS

"I regret not being able to share the inception, pregnancy process and birth of my son with you guys. It was a really hard thing to keep private, but because number 1 it was not my pregnancy, it was my partner's pregnancy, and she felt very strongly about not being pregnant in the public eye. But now, i don't know how to explain the materialization of a newborn. "   Jillian in the video below...

E-Online Video of Jillian's Story

Jillian Michaels